List of Podcasts
HR 2 - Hillsong Church breaking away to create their own denomination, David Limbaugh joins in to discuss his new book “Jesus Is Risen: Paul and the Early Church”
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HR 2 - GUMBO Friday - Banana's contract a virus putting crop at risk, Trying to eat healthy exploring Keto, Clarity on our position on the #walkaway movement
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HR 2 - Following the commandments and the Word of God, Dealing with issues of the day biblically
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HR3 - More on discussion on if America should be involved in other countries and what determines US intervention
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HR1 - Discussion on the importance of discipleship, Discipleship is two way and necessary for the growth of believers
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HR2 - GUMBO Thursday, Kellyanne Conway becomes Counselor to Pres-Elect Trump, arrest made in case of Church burned in MS Delta
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HR 1 - Why are we celebrating Christmas, What Heaven is all about, 5 year old shot 5 times in Texas church massacre shares what he wants for Christmas
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HR2 - The protest continue against the new administration, More on Judge Gorsuch, tussle with Meme King and Meme Queen
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HR2 - More talk about the black churches writing the letter to Hillary Clinton of concerns about religious freedom
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HR 2 - Robert Oscar Lopez Joins in to talk about his new book "Wackos, Thugs and Perverts"
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HR3 - Christians engaging in culture using the Apostle Paul as an example
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HR3 - Abraham Hamilton III joins in to talk the Women's March, President Trump and Supreme Court nominations
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HR 1 - New York limo crash 18 dead in tragic accident, The fragility of life, Senator Collins speech on voting for Kavanaugh
Episodes: 1
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