Finding an Aesthetic Series

Being a Libra, naturally I have an obsession with aesthetics and attempting to maintain one. I use to drive myself crazy growing up with the though of never finding an aesthetic for myself, never finding out who I am as a person. You don't need an aesthetic at all, actually or sometimes you have one and you just don't realize it. You might be the person who always smiles at people and hands out roses, you might be the person in the back of the class who always shares their homework answers, or even the quiet person who studies in the library and always has a latte and is close with the librarian. An aesthetic doesn't always have to be what you associate yourself with, it can be the unknown thought of what people think of when they see you. Either way this is a short podcast series about my own personal aesthetics and how I went about finding them.

Finding an Aesthetic Series

Latest episodes of the podcast Finding an Aesthetic Series