Ecclesia is a community of people in Hollywood, CA. Our mission is helping people find their place in God's family where we can discover and live God's purpose together.
Latest episodes of the podcast Ecclesia Hollywood
- Amy Heidish - Esther 9 & 10
- Lauri Deason - Esther 8
- Kara Christensen - Esther 7
- Jenelle R. D'Alessandro - Esther 5:9 - 6:14
- Chris Riley - Esther's Defining Moment
- Lauri Deason - For Such A Time As What?!
- Kara Christensen - No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
- Amy Heidish - The Queen Is Exiled/Long Live The Queen
- Lauri Deason - Esther Series Kickoff
- Easter Celebration - The Ecclesia Congregation
- Cortney Matz - Worship and Prayer
- Thom Deason - Time To Give Up
- Jim Beise: Treasure And Worry
- Jim Beise: Secret Life With God
- Amy Heidish: The Faith of the Canaanite Woman
- Peter Riley: Testimony
- Jim Beise: Repentance and the Kingdom
- Jim Beise: Introduction to the Book of Matthew
- Jim Beise: Psalm 92:1-4 and Psalm 95:1-7a
- Q&A: Jim Beise
- Kara Christensen: Not Alone
- Cesar Canocelis: Joshua's Response
- Justin Copeland: God — The Ultimate Dad
- Amy Heidish: Unsung Women in the Bible
- Darryl Brumfield - The One: Your Audience & Your Measuring Stick
- Chris Riley: The Paradox of Believing for Dreamers Like Us
- Jane Hong-Guzman De Leon: The Power of Naming Our Feelings
- Steve Ignash: Why Moms Matter
- D. Paul Thomas
- Rick Yamamoto
- Beloved 1 John: The Process of Eternal Life
- Beloved 1 John: Joy Complete