Daf Yomi by YCT with Rabbi Dov Linzer

The daf yomi is a daily study the Babylonian Talmud, one double-sided page, or daf, per day, covering the entire Talmud in seven-and-a-half years. Rabbi Linzer presents the daf in English, in an engaging and lively style, with depth and clarity, and in a way that is accessible to those with all backgrounds. These podcasts are live recordings of Rabbi Linzer's morning daf yomi class at the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, and are approximately 50 minutes in length. For an archive of previous daf yomi classes, and for more audio recordings of classes and lectures by R. Linzer, please visit our website at www.yctorah.org.

Daf Yomi by YCT with Rabbi Dov Linzer

Latest episodes of the podcast Daf Yomi by YCT with Rabbi Dov Linzer