A weekly devotional series presented by Tripp Martin, pastor of Auburn First Baptist Church. Auburn First Baptist Church is a free and faithful congregation of Christians, and a unique place of faith, learning, and ministry. For more information, visit AuburnFBC.org.
Latest episodes of the podcast Creating Sacred Space in Our Lives
- The Strength of David
- Communion and Community
- The Eyes of Jesus
- The Gardener
- Where is the Spirit?
- Saying and Seeing
- What Do We See?
- Manual Labor
- Caring for the Sick
- Kitchen Service
- Enough
- The Gift of Service
- Practice Joy
- Practice Humility
- Words
- Listening and Responding
- Seeking Life
- The Rule of St. Benedict
- Will You Correct Me?
- Whom Shall I Send?
- What Are You Doing Here?
- What is in Your Hand?
- What Is Your Name?
- Who Told You That?
- Where Are You?
- The Shame of Peter
- The Rejection of Jesus
- Belonging to God
- Do Not Fool Me
- Shame and Self-Respect