Christianity thrived in Africa for over 1,400 years prior to the transatlantic slave trade.

0:00 - 0:20: Acts 2:41-47 The Day of Pentecost: the birth date for the Church. God’s sovereignty is evident in the establishing of his Bride. 0:23 - 0:40: Acts 8:1-8 The 1st name recorded that shared the Gospel outside of Jerusalem is Phillip. Philip’s “step down faith” led to the Ethiopian Eunuch’s conversion and transport of the Gospel into Africa… in the first century A.D. 0:43 - 0:60: Acts 13:1-3 Christianity thrived in Africa for over 1,400 years prior to the transatlantic slave trade. From Pentecost to the Ethiopian Eunuch, Tertullian, Athanasius, Augustine on through Michael the Ethiopian Deacon’s interaction with Martin Luther, the LORD’s Church has always included an African constituency. The Bride consists of all ethnos.

Christianity thrived in Africa for over 1,400 years prior to the transatlantic slave trade.

Latest episodes of the podcast Christianity thrived in Africa for over 1,400 years prior to the transatlantic slave trade.