
CFCH is in the starting stages of development and building our foundation. We are a non-profit, non-denomination ''Home'' church established and functioning by the grace of God and those whom believe in his son Jesus Christ, lead by his Holy Spirit and by the leaders appointed and called by God. "In God we trust." CFCH's mission is a vision that was given to me by God to unite and reunite the separation of fellowship and worship sometimes brought about by man, traditions, culture, and even religion. Our focus is that Christ is the head of all God's churches and that we the people are the body of Christ, having the same spirit and mind and believing in the entirely (66 Books) of the living word of God. Eph. 4:1-6 CFCH is to help and assist our guest and members to spiritually grow in the knowledge of Christ and the will of the Father, providing church services, bible studies, revivals, concerts, counseling workshops, classes, youth and adult camps, and to have a great learning and teaching experience and opportunity. God Bless you and your Ohana! Thank you to our co-workers, members, sponsors, friends, and families for your support through your finanical gifts, labors of love, prayers, and dedication to keep our church financially free from burdens so that the focus can remain on the ministry God has given us. "God Bless"


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