The newest sermons from Berean Baptist Church on SermonAudio.
Latest episodes of the podcast Berean Baptist Church
- Martha and Mary
- Righteous Anger
- Philemon
- Always Speak the Truth
- Abigail
- Spiritual Growth and Maturity
- Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
- Church Growth
- Gehazi - The Story of a Servant
- The Grounds of Unity of the Church
- Music in the New Testament
- Music in the Old Testament
- Financial and Administrative Functionality
- Paul's Second Prayer
- Practicing Mutual Accountability
- Count the Cost
- How the Church Works: Teamwork, Community, Structure
- Revelation of a Mystery
- Joseph's Character and the Angel's Message
- Jesus Was Born to Proclaim and Manifest the Truth
- Prophecy, the Record, and Testimony
- Realize Who You Are in Christ
- Baptist Distinctives, Part Three
- What Believers Have Become in Christ
- Qualifications of a Deacon
- Paul's Prayer
- Influencing Future Generations
- Hymn of Praise
- Renewing My Focus
- Praising God with Worshipful Love
- Baptist Distinctives, Part Two
- Grace
- What Role Will I Play in Prophecy?
- Preaching the Kingdom of God
- God Accomplishes His Mission
- Why Do the Heathen Rage?
- Salt and Light -- The Impact of Living for Christ
- Baptist Distinctives - Part One
- A Christian Attitude
- Paul Going Through the Storm
- The Gospel Message
- Discipleship, Prayer
- Festus' Declaration and Paul's Testimony
- God Loves You
- Fulfilling the Great Commission
- You Can Have a Powerful Prayer Life
- Don't Mess With Stress
- The Helmet of Salvation and the Sword of the Spirit
- Godly Patience
- The Shield of Faith
- Paul's Example in Facing Persecution
- Feet Shod With Preparation
- God's Promises
- The Belt of Truth and Breastplate of Righteousness
- Biblical Boldness
- Living Out the Gospel
- The Armor of God
- Sharing the Gospel
- Serving Christ Includes Suffering
- The Importance of a Daily Diet of the Word
- A Joyful Reunion
- Practicing Kindness
- Paul's Heart, Determination, and Service
- The Changing of the Mind
- God's Promise, Admonition, and Invitation to those Forgiven
- The Christian's Identity, Testimony, and Obligation
- The Changing of the Mind
- Description of an Ideal Pastor
- Decision for Discipleship
- Responding to God's Forgiveness
- Paul's Example
- Salvation
- Father's Day
- Foundation for the Home
- Paul's Radical Faithfulness
- Forgiveness - David
- Being a Slave of Christ
- Forgiveness
- Paul's Persistent Proclamation of the Gospel
- God Repented - David
- Seeing Evidence of the Holy Spirit
- Sarah's Faith
- The Song of the Redeemed in Heaven
- The Church, God's Plan for this Age
- Saul and Samuel
- God Uses Paul to Strengthen the Disciples
- God Repented -- Exodus
- Daily Decision Making in the Will of God
- Losing Your Convictions
- God Repented
- The Promises of God
- Christ, the Firstfruits
- Good Friday
- Jesus Will Come as Eternal King
- Jesus Came in Meekness and as Messiah
- The Measure of Ministry for the Believer
- The Mindset of Ministry in the Church
- Are You Making Excuses?
- The Meaning of Ministry
- Loving God