Are you looking for creative, entertaining ways to develop good character and behavior in your preschool through early elementary aged kids? Papa and Mama Bee teach Chubbee and Bree how to do things God's way as they navigate through relationships with family and friends. For more stories, check out Jesus N Me Clubhouse and Fish Bytes Jr. #kids, #kidstories, #Christiankidstories, #friendship, #kindness, #bedtimestoriesforkids, #storiesforpreschoolers, #goodattitudes, #godattitudes, #character, #behavior, #fishbytes4kids, #fishbitesforkids, #fishbytesjr, #roncarriewebb, #jesusnmeclubhouse
Latest episodes of the podcast Bee-Attitudes
- Bee Merciful
- Bee Attitudes: Bee Teachable
- Bee Attitudes: Bee Courageous
- Bee Attitudes: Bee Thankful
- Bee Attitudes: Bee A Peacemaker
- Bee-Attitudes: Bee Friendly
- Bee-Attitudes: Bee Kind
- Bee-Attitudes: Bee Peaceful
- 1 Bee A Peacemaker
- 2 Bee Merciful
- 3 Bee Willing
- 4 Bee Peaceful
- 5 Bee Teachable
- 6 Bee Self-Controlled
- 7 Bee Wise
- 8 Bee Kind
- 9 Bee Good
- 10 Bee Polite
- 11 Bee Obee-dient
- 12 Bee Persistant
- 13 Bee Faithful
- 14 Bee Fearless
- 15 Bee Brave
- 16 Bee Loving
- 17 Bee Happy
- 18 Bee Hopeful
- 19 Bee Helpful
- 20 Bee Strong
- 21 Bee Caring
- 22 Bee Friendly
- 23 Bee Patient
- 24 Bee Courageous
- 25 Bee Thankful
- 26 Bee Forgiving