Awakening Faith Ministries

The Kingdom of God Advances Here! The vision of Awakening Faith Ministries is to do our part in bringing the Body of Christ to a state of oneness in the spirit. There have been many who have not had the heart of our Heavenly Father and have scattered the sheep for gain or glory. Awakening Faith Ministries will restore hope in those who are seeking the truth and an authentic manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Also, it is the desire of AFM to assist the believer in true, holistic spiritual maturity. The way we accomplish this goal is by awakening Sonship in every believer; placing focus on God's will that every believer be filled and led by the Holy Spirit; and encouraging every believer to discover their God given purpose and pursue it with great intensity! Moreover, it has always been God's desire for the local Church to be a community that impacts the spiritual climate of the City, State and region. AFM recognizes that the only way to actualize our purpose is through the empowerment of every believer. We believe that the liberating word of God will empower all those who hear and do it. Once we realize that we are inextricably connected to Christ we will undoubtedly become change agents in every walk of life.

Awakening Faith Ministries

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