This podcasts explores the journey of becoming an OTR such as OT school, level 1 and level 2 field works, studying for the NBCOT and much more. We will get to hear tips from fellow students and OTRs in the field in in order to be more successful each step of the way! I made this to be a resource for all you aspiring OTs to shed some light on the things they don’t talk about in OT school. We aim to support and keep you motivated to do all the things! Contact me about topics or questions you would like answered to this email: [email protected]
Latest episodes of the podcast All Things OT
- All things Community Based Advocacy with Mark C. Koch
- All Things Level 2 fieldwork Abroad
- All Things OT: Interview with OTA Fatima Yusuf
- All Things School Based Practice with Amanda Beason
- All Things Acute Psych with Sal Chavez
- The Texas Women’s University OT student experience with Allison Gillard
- All Things OT Podcast UPDATE
- All Things OT (Trailer)
- All things Acute care with Noey Brisbane
- The OT student experience: Covid-19 Edition with Brianna Baisch
- All things NBCOT exam part 2: OT exam day prep
- All things NBCOT Exam Part 1: Study prep
- Keep calm and Rock your fieldwork!
- What the heck is Occupational Therapy?
- Episode 1: Introduction to all things OT podcast