Spirituality in God in the end times, living as pilgrims on earth, acknowledging and accepting Jesus as your Lord, the way, the truth and the life , a deeper walk with God , having the holy spirit as a best friend, the gospel of redemption, living heaven on earth, unshaken faith in the power of God, digging deep into the word of God , testimonies, power to make wealth, flying over mountains, total man concept, life and purpose discovery, destiny fulfilment, knowing and fulfilling your role in the army of Christ, true disciples, putting on the whole armour of God as a soldier in the army of Christ, peace that passes all understanding, lifestyle and oral evengelism, heartfelt forgiveness , restitution, brotherly love, divine prosperity in life, divine success all round, open heavens, holiness, tithes and offerings, rededication of Christian lives, baptism, spirit-led life, making it to heaven, the final destination, a heaven focused lifestyle.......the list is infinite.....stay blessed.
Latest episodes of the podcast All About Jesus. (TeeBamz )
- Episode 10 - All About Jesus. (ANDRE)
- 22/05/21 Making Your Requests Known To God.
- 190521 God Is Too Faithful To Leave You!
- 290321- (TeeBamz )
- Short Break Vibes - All About Jesus. (TeeBamz )
- 170321 Oh Happy Day! (TeeBamz )
- 160321- It's Turning Around For You.
- Happy Sunday...Stay Safe.
- Episode 1 - Lockdown the pains/tears.