Through the Bible 2020
Latest episodes of the podcast AHBC Gates NC Podcast
- Who Make Disciples
- A Word from God After the Inauguration
- Making Disciples
- We Glorify God
- Re-Creation
- He Came to Destroy the Devil
- The Importance of GODs Word
- Who is Christ
- Marble of Gods Mercy
- Hope
- Christ and His Bride
- Coming King and His Church
- The Church for the Nations
- Redeemed
- Dark World
- You Are What you Eat
- Sermon on the Mount/ Mathew 5
- Matthew 1: 1-15
- Haggi the Prophet
- Jonah the Prophet
- Elijah the Prophet
- What is the Meaning of Life
- Real Worship
- Bird's and Bee's
- Walking in Wisdom
- Giving in the History of Redemption
- The Promised Kingdom
- Easter Sunday
- The Shepard Who Satisfies
- What's Your One Thing
- David vs Goliath