Every year independent insurance adjusters across the nation attempt to create a successful business which is hard to do in an industry that’s ever-changing. This podcast is designed for those who want to explore and understand everything independent insurance adjusting can offer.
Latest episodes of the podcast Adjustments in Life Podcast
- 2023 Here We Go! Let's Podcast!
- Getting prepared understanding your Technology
- What every Adjuster should know about working supplements/re-inspections!
- "On the Road" with The Adjustments in Life.
- Working multiple Carriers!
- The "Real Deal" about adjusting! Things all Adjusters need to know up front! and, a chance to win free CE's
- What is the definition of a "Good Adjuster"?
- ACT PROMO TAKE TWO and Do i have what it takes to be an Adjuster???
- Special Announcement and the best roof diagram deal of the year!
- Is it storm season yet?!
- The True Importance of Training
- Dealing with PA's and Contractors
- New Year brings new things!
- 2021 in a Claim Adjusters Nutshell
- Re-capping Hurricane IDA , and how a new adjuster handles a CAT 4 storm!
- The Key to Success and Sustainability!
- What IA's need to know about Licensing and Certifications
- What it really means to be an Independent Adjuster
- Crushing your first deployment
- How IA's make the First Call list
- Top 5 things all IAs should avoid
- Is adjusting fit for a family?
- Are you Prepared?
- To RV or Not to RV--That is the Question
- Daily claims or CAT adjuster--which is better?
- Claiming your position with the Adjusting Firms
- How aerial technology can increase your Income.
- The secret to getting paid for your claims!
- Which path do I take—Staff Adjuster or IA?
- Snow-mageddon in Texas
- Go slow but hurry up! a conversation with Derek Crumpton
- 5A's of Adjusting with guest Tim Etheridge
- Vince Gains and all things Hipplock
- Thoughts from a New Adjuster with Rick Roberson
- Robert Moran and a Story of Success
- This is Our Story
- Adjustments in Life Podcast Trailer