Abdul Wali Al Arkani

Abdul Wali Al Arkani is commonly known as Abu Muad, Sheikh Abdul Wali Al Arkani was born in 1983 in Mecca. The Sheikh learned the Qur’an from his father at the tender age of 14 and then under numerous shuyookh. Thereafter, he moved to Mecca and studied under prominent shuyookh such as Shaykh Harun Dahir, the late Shaykh Muhammad Kabir, Shaykh Muhammad Idriss Abbass and others. In addition to this, he joined the Al Arqam Ibn Abu Al Arqam Institute in Masjid Al Haram and graduated in 1997. His first imamate was at the mosque of Shaykh Muhammad Saleh Jamal in Mecca at the age of 13. He is one of the well-known reciters of the Qur’an and currently holds the position of the Imam of Khadem Al Haramein Al-Sharefein mosque in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Furthermore, his recordings are broadcasted in several Arab religious channels and have also been recorded for the benefit of the masses.

Abdul Wali Al Arkani

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